Man Goes Viral for Sharing Hilarious 80’s Style Photos of the U.S. Presidents

Twitter user Cam Harness went viral when he used AI to create a cool 80’s mockup of all of the U.S. Presidents. He stated the creations were “every American president, but they’re all cool and they all sport a mullet.”

“I live for laughs,” the Florida podcaster told the NY Post. “When I was creating different AI for my friends, I just thought it would be funny to see [Donald] Trump and Biden in a buddy-cop style movie with the aesthetics of roadhouse.”

Biden is obviously wearing his standard aviators and has a big, silver mullet that extends past his shoulders. Trump takes a break from his bad wig, while Barack Obama was made to look like a ’70s soul icon.

46 Joe Biden

Joe Biden

Current U.S. President Joe Biden looks like he could be the lead singer of an 80’s rock band in this digital edit.

45 Donald Trump

44 Barack Obama

Barack Obama, 44th President of the United States, is looking a lot like Bruno Mars in this cool edit.

43 George W. Bush

Harless has even gained the attention of TikTokers after receiving nearly 20,000 retweets and more than 124,000 likes on Twitter.

42 Bill Clinton

41 George H. W. Bush

40 Ronald Reagan

39 Jimmy Carter

38 Gerald Ford

37 Richard Nixon

36 Lyndon Johnson

35 John F. Kennedy

34 Dwight Eisenhower

“I think I went from not wanting to have a beer with many of them to wanting to have a beer with everyone except for Eisenhower,” Harless joked.

33 Harry S. Truman

32 Franklin D. Roosevelt

31 Herbert Hoover

30 Calvin Coolidge

29 Warren G. Harding

28 Woodrow Wilson

27 William Howard Taft

26 Theodore Roosevelt

25 William McKinley

24 Grover Cleveland

23 Benjamin Harrison

22 Chester A. Arthur

21 Grover Cleveland

20 James A. Garfield

19 Rutherford B. Hayes


17 Andrew Johnson

16 Abraham Lincoln

15 James Buchanan

14 Franklin Pierce

13 Millard Fillmore

12 Zachary Taylor

11 James K. Polk

10 John Tyler

9 William Henry Harrison

8 Martin Van Buren

7 Andrew Jackson

6 John Quincy Adams

5 James Monroe

4 James Madison

3 Thomas Jefferson

2 John Adams

1 George Washington

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