I think we may have found the biggest dog lover on the planet. Jason “Jay” Hardesty, a UPS driver from New Orleans, takes adorable photos of the many dogs he encounters on his route.
“Every time I see a dog, I definitely get more excited than I used to,” the UPS veteran told “Good Morning America.” The 34-year-old says he started using the hashtag #pupsofjay to post pictures of the adorable animals he saw along his route. He never imagined that they would become popular, but the internet sensation has amassed more than 100,000 followers on Instagram.
Here are some of amazing photos that we liked the most.
Jason poses with Hunny

“I definitely get a lot of positive feedback. I really appreciate that because this year has been horrible and the fact that I can make someone smile for even a second means a lot to me.”
Jazz really appears to be enjoying its time with Jay

Jay and Palo for National Dog Day

Dogs aren’t just adorable housemates, but they also come with great health benefits. According to research presented at the American Psychological Association, pets can be substantial sources of social and emotional support. Their research stated the benefits were positive for both those who need emotional support animals and those who don’t.
Xango sneaks in a Kiss

Jay Poses with June Carter

Dog lover and advocate for mental health Marion Janner believes that dogs may teach humans a variety of valuable lessons.
“Dogs love us unconditionally,” Janner stated to The Guardian. “They’re the ultimate in equal opportunities – entirely indifferent to race, gender, star sign, CV, clothes size, or ability to throw cool moves on the dance floor.”
“The simplicity and depth of this love is a continuous joy, along with the health benefits of daily walks and the social delights of chats with other dog walkers. They teach kids to be responsible, altruistic, and compassionate and, valuably but sadly, how to cope when someone you love dies.”
Alki Looks Adorable in this shot with Jay

Dogs become like family members. Our attachment to them is strong, and they wholeheartedly depend on us for love, care, and support. According to psychologist June McNicholas, “The emotional bond between owner and pet can be as intense as that in many human relationships and may confer similar psychological benefits.”
Jay and Wags

Jay Takes a Selfie with Squish

Jay and Freedia will Definitely make you Smile

UPS Driver Jay poses with Ulyss and Parker

Be sure to follow Jay the UPS driver on Instagram to see more of the adorable dogs he encounters on his UPS Route.